
About the product
PRECIA-MOLEN puts at your disposal a know-how based on more than 50 years of experience in installing tens of thousands of weighbridges throughout the world.

From the design to the manufacture in our manufacturing plants, from the platform to the heart of the system, the load cell and the weighing softwares for your business, to the self -service weighing terminals, PRECIA-MOLEN offers a comprehensive range of solutions for truck, lorry, wagon and road-rail weighing.

From portable to WEIGHBRIDGE WITH CONCRETE SLAB POURED ON SITE, – METAL MODULAR WEIGHBRIDGE, weighbridge made of precast concrete, special weighbridges (up to 400t), rail and rail road weighbridges,…

PRECIA-MOLEN can meet specific needs for loading stations requiring large-dimension or large-capacity weighbridges (e.g. dumper weighing. Automatic barriers, side guides, video and photo cameras, traffic lights and remote displays can complete your installation.
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