About the product
STAGE 1 - Primary Filter felt pads - Effectively removes rust and sediment particles and stops propagation of bacteria.
STAGE 2 - KDF - Removes chlorine, pesticides, organic matter, heavy metals, iron, lead, nickel, mercury and arsenic.
STAGE 3 - Activated Carbon - Removes chlorine, organic sediment and bad smell & taste.
STAGE 4 - Mineralised Balls - Restore natural trace minerals required by the body, such as iron, zinc, lithium, magnesium, potassium & iodine.
STAGE 5 - Mineral Ceramic Balls – insoluble, gradually releases mineral substances
STAGE 6 – Activated Carbon - An extra layer of activated carbon
STAGE 7 - Mineralised Balls – An extra layer of mineral balls
STAGE 8 – Ceramic Plate - Removes bacteria and parasites e.g. Giardia
KDF is a high purity copper zinc formulation that uses a basic chemical process known as redox to remove chlorine, lead, mercury, iron and hydrogen sulphide from water supplies. KDF is also known to kill algae and fungi and control bacteria growth. Its use is optimised when used in conjunction with another filter media – especially any form of activated carbon. It helps to prolong filter media – especially any form of activated carbon. It helps to prolong the life and increase the effectiveness of carbon filters by reducing the chlorine build up and also supplements the activated carbon filters by removing heavy metals.
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