D4D PenTest multi-drug test kit

D4D PenTest multi-drug test kit
About the product
D4D PenTest provides an presumptive test for trace residue from over ten illegal drug types, including methamphetamine and several of the precursor compounds used in the manufacture of meth.
Designed for law enforcement and border protection, and used by agencies in USA, Germany, Israel, and China to name a few, the D4D PenTest has only been available for non-government use since 2014.

This DIY test kit is inexpensive, simple-to-use and can be easily be used by anyone who has an interest in determining whether a surface has been contaminated by an illicit substance.

Compared to other indicator test products which require several steps and can then take up to 5 minutes to give a result, the D4D PenTest gives you an accurate result in just a few seconds.

We recommend that the following areas of a house be tested to ensure the best chance of detecting drug residue throughout the property:

Lounge and dining areas
All bedrooms
Laundry, bathrooms and toilets
Sheds and workshops

One D4D PenTest kit per room is recommended. For larger rooms, two kits may be required to ensure thorough testing.

The D4D PenTest kit is highly sensitive and will detect minute traces for the following drugs:

Ecstasy (MDMA)

Each D4D PenTest kit consists of a pen containing the substance activator, two sample collection wipes and instruction sheet.
$24.95 each
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