Bed Bug Inspection and Pest Treatment in Sydney

About the product
Each time you travel or purchase used furniture, you’re may be putting your home at risk of a bed bug infestation. These parasites thrive in human environments and feed on human blood. A bed bug bite is characterised by swelling, itching and redness.

In the daytime, these pests hide in crevices in furniture, particularly bedheads and other items in the bedroom. When night falls, they emerge and search for a host whose blood they can suck. A sleeping human is usually the most likely victim. Bed bugs are not a problem that will go away on its own or that you can eradicate by yourself. If you suspect a bed bug infestation, call us immediately.

Flick Pest Control Sydney
Unit 9, 145 Arthur Street Homebush West, New South Wales 2140 Australia
Telephone: (02) 8412 2400
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